Thursday, February 4, 2010

Let Me Count the Ways... Day 4

in january, for no occasion at all, my husband brought me this special little book. "i love you because..." about 100 pages of romantic love quotes and sweet thoughts. i was so moved to tears and inspired. here's the theme for february: i'll post a new quote/thought for each day and then elaborate with a personal story. i encourage you all to do the same for your significant other. it's a great way to get that feeling of renewal. feel free to borrow the graphic and link to my blog as well. there just might be a giveaway at the end ;) i'd love for you to share your stories!

day 4:

love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.

we learned a long time ago that being on the same page means the world to us. sure we struggle to work on the everyday things, but our plans are exactly that "our" plans. not for just one of us...but things in the long term that we pray over. our lives are forever intertwined...and it's so comforting.

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