Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Thank You for Being a Friend

ok, cheesey, but what am i if not a little bit cheesey~

i am so very blessed with friends that surround me. whether they are here for a reason, season, or lifetime- each play a role in my life. i have an amazing "honey line"! each friend is so unique and bring special things into our relationship. maybe we talk on the phone once a week, email everyday, FB once in a while, share similiar interests, or are just praying for each other.

all these are special to me and remind me that although being a wife and mother is amazing, i am complex and there's more to me than laundry and dishes.

i love those who i swap recipes with, crazy child stories with, and ones i can call with random questions. we are each other's "go to" for something! we help each other get through the seasons of life- whether it is a time of heartache, joy, confusion, or routine.
blessed is all i can say....

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